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ProthSearch site - Home page (Ray Ballinger & Mark Rodenkirch)

ProthSearch site - Fermat section (Wilfrid Keller)

Factors of generalized Fermat numbers (Wilfrid Keller)

Search for GFN factors : status (Wilfrid Keller)

Factorization of generalized Fermat numbers for small indices m (Wilfrid Keller)

Numbers Fm(3) with complete factoring status (Wilfrid Keller)

Numbers Fm(5) with complete factoring status (Wilfrid Keller)

Numbers Fm(6) with complete factoring status (Wilfrid Keller)

Numbers Fm(10) with complete factoring status (Wilfrid Keller)

Numbers Fm(12) with complete factoring status (Wilfrid Keller)

Fermat 6: a page dedicated to Wilfrid Keller (John Cosgrave)

A role for generalized Fermat numbers (John Cosgrave - Karl Dilcher)

The Prime glossary- Fermat number (Chris Caldwell)

Sequence A023394 - Prime factors of Fermat numbers

Pierre de Fermat - A short biography (Chris Caldwell)

Top 20 Fermat divisors (Chris Caldwell)

On Fermat and Mersenne numbers (Edouard Lucas)

Mersenne and Fermat numbers (Raphael M. Robinson)

Four new factors of Fermat numbers (David E. Shippee)

The 24th Fermat Number is composite (Richard E. Crandall, .PDF)

Three new factors of Fermat Numbers (Richard E. Crandall .PDF)

The elliptic curve method (Paul Zimmermann .PDF)

Generalized Fermat Prime Search (Yves Gallot)

Factors of Generalized Fermat Numbers (Dario Alpern)

List of primes k.2n+1 for 900 < k < 1200 (Wilfrid Keller)


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